Selamat siang!
it's 10.33am and i just woke up from bed. well, when it comes to holidays, i just can't differentiate days and nights. *chuckle*
btw, going back to the point, since i rarely go back home, the feeling is somehow slight odd. seeing the furnitures be re-arranged, sometimes i feel like staying at strangers'. so, once im home, i often look around and check things out as if i never saw 'em before. and most crazily, they are actually mine. aigo~ so in a conclusion, as result of my 'penggeledahan' today, i found these old assignments i did during the era of foundation studies a.k.a. matriculation and just got attracted to the one i did for Poetry class back then. owh, i really miss that moments. we often learnt new things from the lecturer; Miss Hanita Hanim and most importantly we were trained to be such creative and critical thinker. her ideas always made me amazed. yes, really.
okay, leaving behind those thoughts, im so inspired to recall back things we learnt back then. for the assignment i mentioned just now, the task was to compose about 20 poems with various types. there is a LOT of them. but we just got to learn some which are not hard to be remembered. and i got to learn some more during my first semester at the main camp. here are they and the points below each are the characteristics;
-sometimes bawdy and humorous
-consists of 5 Anapaestic lines
-line 1,2,5 have 7-10 syllables and rhyme with each other
-line 3,4 have 7 syllables and rhyme with each other
eg: "I Love You"
I'm not supposed to love you
I'm not supposed to think of you
I shouldn't care
Wishing you'll always be there
But I'm sorry cause I'm in love with you
-3 unrhymed lines of 5,7 and 5 syllables
-reflects on some aspects and creates images
eg:. "Women in Islam"
Women in Islam
Are like the thorny roses
Risky but precious
-has 5 lines
-line 1 is one word (the title)
-line 2 is two words that describe the title
-line 3 is three words that tell the action
-line 4 is four words that express the feeling
-line 5 is one word that recalls the title
eg: "Didie"
My adorable buddy
Talking so calmly
Always amazes me
-has 5 lines
-first and third lines composed of 5 syllables
-the rest composed of 7 syllables
eg: "My Sweetheart"
I love you so much
I need you near by my side
Be close to my heart
Only death does us apart
Miss you so much my sweetheart
enough for today. in other words, i kinda already got bored. but mind you, not getting bored of these amazing kinds of poem, but to type them in an organize way. i bet u already got bored too. btw, it is noticable that all those examples made by me a year ago were quite 'childish' and aren't 'artistic' at all. well, its because they were composed for the sake of learning. so instead of using bombastic words, they were just meant to at least fulfill the characteristics, or else, we'd get no marks.
see ya next time with more lessons.