No matter how high a bird might fly, it still has to get its food from the ground.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
My ambitions.

when I was...
just a human being, can ah?
- 6 years old : a doctor.
- 10 years old : a flight attendant.
- 12 years old : a policewoman.
- 13 years old : a lawyer.
- 14 years old : a vet. a dentist.
- 15 years old : a Shariah lawyer.
- 16 years old : a gynecologist.
- 17 years old : a pediatrician.
- 18 years old : a religious teacher. (LMAO)
- 19 years old : a lecturer.
- 20 years old : a PTD.
- 21 years old : a PTD.
just a human being, can ah?
I may make a good broadcast journalist. haaaaaa.
-okay bye-
Brains come before beauty.
I'm currently concerned about the fact that physical beauty means nothing. Intelligence should become the principle priority to all human beings, regardless of age, gender, etc.
I always wonder why some people dress excessively to class; wearing heels, transparent blouse or even baju kurung, tight jeans, etc. Some even put make-ups on. I'm aware that I don't have right to comment but somehow it annoys me that those lads with heels would take such long time to walk thus blocking my way.
Some friends of mine are always conscious about being beautiful. (I just presume this since they always talk about it). I do have the intention to be beautiful. (Well, who doesn't?) But it must be moderate lah. Some even ignore the DOs and DON'Ts in Islamic way of dressing. To be frank, it is pathetic (a reminder to me too).
I always believe that instead of struggling to be beautiful (physically), it is way better to be healthy, and stay fit. And most importantly, beautify your inner self. And yeah, beautify your brain as well. Because which one remains forever? -Intelligence.
It's pity to see people doing their best to make themselves beautiful while ignoring the importance of being wise, knowledgeable. It's pity to see 'beautiful' (naturally or 'temporarily') people do not have much in mind. Pretty but shallow. It's pity to see people so enthusiastically talk about make-ups and all but when it comes to giving opinions on current issues (for instance), they remain silent.
Well I'm not saying that I'm the one with inner beauty and brain. This is just to emphasis that I'm not that kind of lad whose main concern is physical appearance. I DO care about my physical appearance but what matters the most to me is my knowledge. I always feel bad for not knowing about some things. I always feel bad for not mastering in some things. I always feel bad that there is a LOT of things which are beyond my level of thinking. I am still improving myself. My number one concern is: Be Great (which denotes being intelligent, independent and impressive). I always push myself to read a lot. It turns me down that even until now, I'm not capable of finishing a novel in such short time (one single day, or at least in one week time). I'll fall asleep whenever I read it (not only novel, but lecture notes as well. That explains why my exam results suck. I always score high for assignments and presentations. But when it comes to exams and quizzes; where a lot of revisions and readings are mostly needed, I'm such a loser. A BIG LOSER). Really in need of study smart skills. Sigh.
So the point is, do be aware that intelligence matters more than beauty. You can still be beautiful, but in such moderate ways. Do not put aside what Allah has told you to do; the halal vs haram ones. Allah will never judge your outer beauty but indeed, your soul.
Be satisfy for what you already have. Be confident with your natural beauty. Be more concerned about your inner side, rather than outer one. Be grateful for what Allah has granted you. He is ultimately fair. Everyone IS beautiful and was created PERFECTly. Specifically to my Muslim sisters, do remember that your beauty must be only for your husband :) Besides, use your brain to stay beautiful.
and lastly, do keep in mind that;
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
"Corrupt women are for corrupt men and corrupt men are for corrupt women, Good women are for good men and good men are for good women. The latter are innocent of what they say. They will have forgiveness and generous provision"
(Qur'an, 24:26)
Some food for the soul:
"Corrupt women are for corrupt men and corrupt men are for corrupt women, Good women are for good men and good men are for good women. The latter are innocent of what they say. They will have forgiveness and generous provision"
(Qur'an, 24:26)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
today's recap.
went to Aquawalk sdn. bhd. this morning. Thank God I managed to find the place on time. The HR assistant said that I may be accepted to be part of them starting next week. Urgh, can't wait to get the confirmation. But if I do, I'll be leaving the prizes team for IIUM open tae kwon do tournament. And if that happens, I'm sorry Syah! :(
Saturday, January 15, 2011
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