short semester has just ended. many things have ended too. and there's only word to describe my feeling- glad.
I'm glad that I've taken Arabic level 3.
I'm glad for the new friendship with such nice room mates. (can't believe I'm missing u, cik At!)
I'm glad that my eldest sister's wedding went just fine.
I'm glad that all MRC works have been completed.
I'm glad for everything happened during this period of time. Alhamdulillah.
and I'm glad to be home, again.
the coming semester will be quite tough so I'll be spending most time here to rest, and rest. and to meet the former schoolmates too! :) am really2 looking forward to that.
and, to be on diet, again. with Herbalife :)
the bestie, the classmate.
xsempat jgk kte jupeeh..huhu..;(
ha! that would be the only thing I'm not glad for :(
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