Alhamdulillah, it's finally done. successfully :) because of this performance, I had had sleepless nights these days. I skipped some classes, and over-spent my pocket money :( but the play was tremendous! Fan-freakin'-tastic! others' were great too :)
BTW, our play was all about The Boston Tea Party of America.
Briefly, it was an incident on Dec 1773, in which American patriots dressed as Indians threw 342 chests of tea from 3 British ships into Boston Harbour.
The action was taken to prevent the payment of a British-imposed tax on tea and also to protest the British monopoly of the colonial tea by the Tea Act.
Our play was actually an adaptation of a famous kids TV series; Liberty Kids. Below are the stunning Casts! lmao.
BTW, our play was all about The Boston Tea Party of America.
Briefly, it was an incident on Dec 1773, in which American patriots dressed as Indians threw 342 chests of tea from 3 British ships into Boston Harbour.
The action was taken to prevent the payment of a British-imposed tax on tea and also to protest the British monopoly of the colonial tea by the Tea Act.
Our play was actually an adaptation of a famous kids TV series; Liberty Kids. Below are the stunning Casts! lmao.

with Farizah. thanks for coming!
and thanks for not looking straight to the camera lens thus spoiling my picture :P
meet the astonishing lecturer; Ms Yau Sim Mei a.k.a. Kak Mei :)
with Kak Zati the Red Indian (from another play) & Lynda the bestie :)
loving this :)
KUDOS to all!!
p/s: done with American Literature. Hello Pragmatics and Research Methodology!
bye bye to Petrosains :(
ala...ingt sng ke org nk cntikkn pic ngn cndid style..hahaa..
haha. fine. good excuse though :)
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