Saturday, April 23, 2011


Who says a boyfriend can always be a source of happiness? Love is like heaven, but it can hurt like hell. So, why do I think, to some extent, having a boyfriend is just a boring, annoying thing? Here there go;
  • A boyfriend, as much as you want him to be, isn’t a girl. Though you are sharing similar interests, but still, it won’t be the same. He won’t be seeing Gossip Girls the way you do. And sometimes for some reasons, this is just way annoying. He won’t be able to indulge in some girly stuff, get mani/pedi’s (or even understand why you get them), want to have a makeover, wear face masks, etc.
  • Having a boyfriend means having to deal with another set of rules and issues. This can be really tough if the right time hasn’t come yet.
  • Love relationships are time-consuming. All of a sudden, you have less time for friends, extra-curriculars, hobbies, and everything else that filled your life before he came along. And if things finally do not work between you guys, gah, what a waste of time!
  • Single girls do not have to have guilt when staring at hot people who strike their fancy. LOL.
  • No flirting or dating anymore! Sure, you go out together, but flirting with a new person is just so fun! And no matter how bad a first date goes, it’s always a thrilling adventure and risk!
  • A boyfriend will not make you feel secure. Nope. He won’t. You have to find that inside of YOU. He won’t be able to bring it out of you. Nu-uh! Stop it. Inside,YOU.
  • Even had this pop through your head? ”I don’t have a boyfriend, and if I don’t have a boyfriend it means that boys aren’t attracted to me, and if boys aren’t attracted to me it means that I’m ugly.” Wow! It’s way wrong reasoning! Having a boyfriend will not validate your looks. Boys attention, in general, will not actually make you feel any prettier. You’re pretty. And that’s final.
  • Who wants to have to explain what cap sleeves, the difference between a skirt and dress, yada yada yada?

So, single girls, enjoy yourself, live your life to the fullest! Someday, when you least expect it, the right guy will show up and change your world.

Remember, be happy. ‘cause the happiest girls are the prettiest! To look great, you don’t need those fancy and pricey accessories, but two things called Confidence and Smile :)

So chillax, beautiful!

p/s: as for myself, I ain't looking for a boyfriend but a husband-to-be. Well, it's way different. Boyfriend is just another childish game. and one thing for sure, I ain't a kid anymore. XO.

gotta stop here. but before that. to all beautiful ladies out there,

with love, B.

Inspired by,

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