Thursday, May 14, 2009

from a shopaholic to a book maniac ;)

as time has passed, and the amount of money in the bank account is no longer a please to be viewed (sigh), i've gone through the process of transforming myself from a shopaholic to a so-called bookaholic, and from a big spender to a propitious book worm ;)

and since short semester has opened the opportunity of having more free times, i've gotten to realize that wonderful life does not necessarily require money. i am currently enjoying life by just sitting at a corner, grab a book, and read ;) books marathon!

so for this time being, started last monday,

within 3 days, i've done with these: (comics are books too)

*the ones i never expected to be addicted to. credit to Ziera.

and now this:

*the one i've been reading since last year ;p. credit to muffin.

and later this:

*the one i've been wanting to read since ages ago. credit to Abil.

this is my current favorite corner at Ziera's.
and G.1.4. has been my favorite stop during free times ;)

*much much credit to Ziera.

to be frank, i used to not really like reading. the moment i started to read would be the moment i'd start to yawn and feel sleepy. but i damn love English novels specifically ones about friendship; rather than love. i am somehow can be categorized under the sentimental type that even a sentence is enough to make tears drop down from my eyes. sob2. but yea, since i used to have no free times to spend on this, when i started reading a novel, i would always leave it half way. i could only be seen holding a novel in a train, and other places where all i need to do is waiting. sigh. so it's time for it now. Books marathon! yeay =)

Go Girl! ~

*i am no longer struggling to lose weight, but appetite.


Luna said...

oh la la~

Saya punya banyak novel2 yg disukai para lecturer (dan ynag di suggest oleh lecturer juga; Madam Mum saja actually).

kamu bole bagitaw kalo kamu maw pinjam.. :D


oh okay~
nak abeskan yg ade ni dulu.

(t'ingat mase interview for BENSS headcomm, mdm azimah mrah sbb sy ckp;
"i don't like reading") hehe ;p

Luna said...

oh! dan saya harus gtaw, Ryoki Tachibana da break up dengan hatsumi.

~ Dia boyfriend saya sekarang...
