Wednesday, April 28, 2010

what i like about short semester i'm taking.

short semester has just begun. though it's boring for some people, it's a pleasure for me. yeah, honestly though it's only one subject; Arabic language level 3.
i like it because i have more free time to study.
i like it bacause i get to do things i couldn't do on previous hectic long semester.
i like it because the new environment is silent and peaceful.
i like it because the new room mates are all nice.
i like it because the class is enjoyable and fun.
i like it because the lecturer is cool.
i like it because i can always go home :)
i like it because i don't really have to rush for classes.
i like it because the time is just nice for me to be on diet. i likeee!
i like it because i love Arabic :)
i like it because i won't be stressful again.
and so much more things...

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