Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Final hopes.

Today marks the 5th day of class for this semester. of my, final semester. It had started awfully as I didn't manage to pass my JPJ test hence delaying my time to obtain my own, driver's license. Frankly speaking, nothing's more terrible than that. Silly, pathetic me :(

Fine. None of it could bring me down. Nay, never. There were another things happened in a few weeks and days ago. I quit my part-time job as an English language tutor at SLEU. I'd be lying if I say I don't regret it at all. I do, for God's sake, of course I do. It took a few months and such a big courage for me to keep waiting 'till the application was accepted. But nothing could beat my family as my first priority this time. Things happen and this is just a tiny part of them. Nothing.

With God's will, I'll be starting my new part-time next week. Not gonna talk about it though.

Lemme focus on my initial intention of writing this; my final hopes. Things I wish to happen or be done during this final semester. Things I can only wish for for the last time as I'll be making my leave on June.

I wish I could do a LOT better than I did before. I wish I could score full marks in quizzes, assessed assignments, etc; things I never got to do before. I also wish I could spend more valuable times with those I love; the best friends, and....hmmm whoever it may be. Time flies too fast. We'd never know what we had missed 'till we do miss it. This may sound cliche but I just wish, I could be with the ones I truly love, spending more time together, as if there's no more tomorrow. As if I'll be leaving soon. *well, it's true, though :( huu emotional much huh? :( If only they know this. If only they do realize, too.

and, if only he too knows this. Well, I do hope this time it works; for more years to come, forever. Things may change out of our expectations and control, in the future. If they do turn out to be different than what we have planned, at least I'm certain and I know that there's nothing I'll be regretting of 'cause every single minute has been benefited together, for each other. Those memories are the best ones ever and I'm anticipating for more, and more to happen. I love you :( isk.

taken a few hours back. with the long-lost sleeping partner. lol.

with Love, B.